Dwelling permits for rural properties

Have you purchased a parcel of rural land only to find the local council discouraging towards a dwelling permit, in most cases they will not allow dwellings purely for lifestyle reasons. Applications require a Land Management Plan and if it has an agricultural component, a good reason must be given to why a dwelling/residence is essential to the operation of of the plan. We facilitate throughout the process to ensue you have the best chance for a favorable outcome.

Below is an excerpt from the The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, with further helpful information.

Rural residential development refers to land in a rural setting, used and developed for dwellings that are not primarily associated with agriculture. Some agriculture may take place on the land however it will be ancillary to the use for a dwelling. It is likely to be carried on for ‘lifestyle’ reasons and is unlikely to provide a significant source of household income. Rural residential land is typically also used for non-agricultural home occupations or for large gardens. These lots are larger than typical residential lots, but are usually too small for agricultural use. Because of its primarily residential function, rural residential development requires access to most of the normal services and infrastructure provided in urban settlements. Typically it also generates urban residential amenity expectations.

Because of its primarily residential function, rural residential development requires access to most of the normal services and infrastructure provided in urban settlements. Typically it also generates urban residential amenity expectations.The zones usually applied to rural residential land are:

The Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) is a ‘residential’ zone. It specifies a lot size of at least 0.4 hectares in areas where reticulated sewerage is not connected or 0.2 hectares for each lot connected to reticulated sewerage. A different lot size can be specified in a schedule to the zone.

The Rural Living Zone (RLZ) is a ‘rural’ zone. It specifies a lot size of at least 2 hectares and provides opportunities for some rural uses to occur. A different lot size can be specified in a schedule to the zone.

The Green Wedge A Zone (GWAZ) is a ‘rural’ zone. It provides for lot sizes of 8 hectares and above. It applies to non-urban land outside the Urban Growth Boundary to protect and recognise the area’s agricultural, environmental, historic, landscape, infrastructure, natural resource and rural living attributes.Limited residential development can occur in other rural zones, but generally, land proposed for rural residential development should be included in the Low Density Residential Zone or the Rural Living Zone.

Limited residential development can occur in other rural zones, but generally, land proposed for rural residential development should be included in the Low Density Residential Zone or the Rural Living Zone

(The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2015)